Rania Younes

This is how the modern Arabian world sounds like: Star FM from Abu Dhabi easily closes the gap between tradition and modern times – with a fascinating programme of Arabian Top 40, Western hits as well as interviews with celebrities and local news. The station founded in 2009 is extremely well received in the United Arab Emirates, and steadily gets more and more listeners throughout the world thanks to its mobile apps.

The morning show “Sabaho” (Lebanse for “good morning”) is presented by two hosts you wouldn’t have to introduce in this part of the world. The Lebanon born Rania Younes is an ambassador of the contemporary Near East and well known on radio and television since 2002. Her co-host Hassan Sameer AlSheikh was born in Syria and works not only for radio, but is also an actor and a superb house DJ, mostly spinning in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.

Rania Younes, StarFM


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www.internationalradiofaces.com www.tobiasstahel com #irfradiofest #irfradiofaces #tobiasstahel
Rania Younes Rania Younes
Rania Younes Rania Younes


www.tobiasstahel com